Japan to develop contact less garbage collection system due to rapid spread of virus

As per the sources of ministry officials, Japan’s Environment Ministry will begin development of a contact less garbage collection system for household waste in an effort to reduce the risk of infection to workers amid the ongoing novel corona virus pandemic.

Sources of ministry said, The ministry plans to have garbage trucks with rear loaders, such as lifting apparatus , to pick up waste placed in large containers at collection points, similar to systems employed in other countries.

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Research and other costs associated with the project, which also aims to address the concerns of aging workers and the country’s labor shortage, will be included in the ministry’s budget requests for the next fiscal year.

There is concern that garbage collectors, considered among society’s essential workers, could be infected if trash bags containing used face masks and tissues break and spill out their contents during collection.

During collection, could be infected if trash bags containing used face masks and tissues break and spill out their contents.There is concern that garbage collectors, considered among society’s essential workers.

But major concern is with the costs of introducing new types of garbage trucks and securing space for containers on Japan’s narrow streets remain hurdles in the implementation of collection methods used in other countries.

In addition to safety, the ministry expects the new collection system to be both efficient for workers and convenient for residents.

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