Revolutionary Tech Makes Air Purification Cheaper

Revolutionary Tech Makes Air Purification Cheaper

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges we face today. Burning fossil fuels has led to a huge increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. But, there is a technology that can help reverse this: direct air capture. This method involves sucking massive amounts of carbon dioxide out of the air and storing it or using it in other ways.

Several companies are working on developing direct air capture technology. Some are using a process called sorbents to draw out the carbon dioxide and then releasing it with heat. However, this process is expensive and might not be cost-effective. Small startups, like Phlair, are trying to create a more affordable method.

Phlair uses a device called a hydrolyzer to produce an acid that helps release the carbon dioxide from the air. This process is more energy-efficient than traditional heat-based methods. Phlair has already raised funding to build pilot plants and larger facilities to capture carbon dioxide.

The company plans to deploy a pilot plant capable of capturing 10 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year soon. After that, they will build bigger plants that can capture 260 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. These plants will help reduce carbon dioxide emissions by storing it or using it in products like cement.

Many investors and companies, like Microsoft and Shopify, are betting on direct air capture technology. They believe that one day, we will treat carbon dioxide emissions like we treat wastewater today – by treating it before releasing it into the environment. While there are challenges to overcome, direct air capture technology has the potential to make a big difference in reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

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