List of Anti-Aging Foods That’ll Keep You Young Forever

Anti-Aging Foods That'll Keep You Young Forever

If we really care how we look then we need to think what we eat, it’s time to pick up something slightly less processed food. While it’s true that no single food will erase laugh lines or make you feel 22 again, a healthy diet full of anti-aging foods can boost skin quality, improve immunity, and more. Stock up on these expert-approved ingredients next time you’re looking to fill that grocery cart.


All type of Nuts are anti-aging heroes thanks to their cholesterol-lowering and anti-inflammatory effects, says Julieanna Hever, a plant-based dietitian. No matter which nut you choose — Brazil, cashew, macadamia —they’re really helpful for anti-Aging. Aim for one to two ounces each day, as they’re also fantastic sources of protein, fiber, and micronutrients.


sesame seeds is really good for your bones.If you want to feel good all the way down to your bones, then you need to take care of, well, your bones and there comes the sesame seeds that really helpful to keep your bones healthy. “Annie Kay, lead nutritionist at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health says that these are high in calcium and rich in other minerals like iron, magnesium, phosphorous, and fiber,”

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Hever says Fortified plant milks are great for their optimal bone-supportive nutrients. That also means they’re great regardless of whether you’re actually a vegetarian. “Include a serving or two of hemp, soy, almond, or rice milk — fortified with calcium and vitamin D — into your daily diet.”


Lisa Hayim, R.D., founder of The Well Necessities and TWN Collection says Pineapple is rich in a mineral called manganese, which is needed to activate an enzyme called prolidase, . Prolidase is a multifunctional enzyme that provides the amino acid proline for the formation of collagen in skin, which plays a role in skin strength and elasticity.”


Mitzi Dulan, R.D., author of The Pinterest Diet says Dark chocolate is loaded with flavanols, which are believed to benefit your appearance by increasing blood flow to the skin.  “Flavanols also absorb UV radiation, protecting your skin from the damaging effects of the sun.”

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LEMON AND LIME JUICE can make vitamin C for our bodies. Sharon Moalem, M.D., Ph.D., author of The DNA Restart says Vitamin C plays a critical role in maintaining optimal genetic health, and it’s a crucial way to keep your skin looking brighter and younger. Science backs her up, as a study published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that women who consumed greater amounts of it had smoother skin and fewer wrinkles.


These tiny berries pack contain more antioxidants than almost any other fruit, says celebrity nutritionist Lisa DeFazio. “They also give you protection against skin-damaging free radicals from sun exposure, stress, and pollution, and they have vitamin C, which helps prevent the wrinkles.”


Treat yourself to a slice of this summer fruit to keep your skin young. Lyssie Lakatos and Tammy Lakatos Shames, AKA The Nutrition Twins says Watermelon is packed with lycopene, which acts as a natural sunblock, protecting it from ultraviolet rays that damage and age the skin, create sunspots, and make skin look weathered. The water content doesn’t hurt either, as its massive amounts helps keep your skin hydrated and plump, DeFazio adds.


Besides quenching your thirst, oranges help keep your body youthful. Lakatos and Lakatos Shames says orange is great source of vitamin C not only helps to boost immunity, keeping your body in better working order, but they also help build collagen,” . “Collagen makes the skin elastic, supple, and younger-looking.”


Just like the omega-3s found in salmon, avocados are jam-packed with the inflammation-fighting fatty acids that keep the immune system functioning properly. They also help both your mind and body age gracefully, so add the green fruit into your salads, top your toast, or use it to make a healthy pudding.


DeFazio say Pomegranate seeds contain compounds that fight damage from free radicals and increase your body’s ability to preserve collagen.These tiny seeds also add a nice burst of sweetness to salads.


Moalem says Olives are an incredible source of polyphenols and other phytonutrients that help protect your DNA and keep you looking and feeling younger. Just be sure to skip the canned kind, as the pitting process actually strips the olive of vital nutrients that you’re after.


Hever says Soy foods like edamame are excellent for healthy bones and your cardiovascular system. As women hit menopause and estrogen levels taper down, soy provides phytoestrogens, compounds found in food that mimic estrogen, which have been shown to reduce bone loss and risk for heart disease.


Shames say Mushrooms are one of the few foods that naturally contain vitamin D, a nutrient that most people don’t have enough of Lakatos and Lakatos . Without it, you can’t properly absorb calcium, which will lead to osteoporosis, broken bones, and a hunched spine — and nothing ages you more than that.


If you’re tired of boring ole’ white potatoes, grab the orange kind instead. Because they’re full of vitamin A they help fight off fine lines and wrinkles by revitalizing damaged collagen. Keep things simple by baking it in the oven, then topping with veggies or chili.


Carrots have some pretty important traits. Hayim says They’re rich in vitamin A, which helps to restore and regenerate damaged collagen, an essential for the elasticity and regeneration of skin cells.. Research also shows that carrots have impressive cancer-fighting properties, so make like Bugs Bunny and grab ’em for a healthy snack.


You may not have liked broccoli as a kid, but there’s a good reason to eat it as an adult: A 2016 study found that it contains the plant pigment lutein, which is linked to “crystalized intelligence” — the ability to use the skills and knowledge you have now well into your elderly years. Talk about anti-aging for your brain.


Hayim says Cooked tomatoes are loaded with lycopene, an antioxidant that protects the skin from damage. While raw tomatoes still provide the body with lycopene, the cooking process makes it easier to absorb.


Hever says These superfoods are loaded with plant-based essential amino acids to meet all of your protein requirements. As women age, protein needs increase slightly, and beans and lentils are superior sources because they’re also loaded with disease-fighting fiber and phytochemicals.


Skin cells turn over rapidly, and by allotting yourself a healthy night’s sleep, you give them time to replenish and rebuild. Opt for unsweetened versions and add fresh fruits and a touch of honey to temper tartness.


Hearty and soothing, oatmeal is delicious without being too rich. It’s also a comfort food that’s rich in carbohydrates that boost your body’s feel-good hormone serotonin. There’s no better way to look and feel young than to feel happy.


Green tea is best for keeping your body young and healthy because it helps maintain healthy cells, protects them against damage, and decreases stress. It’s also packed with powerful antioxidants called flavonoids that protect against disease and block DNA damage associated with toxic chemicals that cause destruction in the body.


It’s true: Red wine should never be left off of an anti-aging list. Researchers have known for years that it’s heart-healthy, as the flavanoids it contains helps reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol and your risk of coronary heart disease. Having a glass of wine also means you’ll get a big dose of resveratrol, an antioxidant that scientists believe can help you maintain muscle, which is important as you age. Research has also shown resveratrol can influence the biological mechanisms behind aging, so really, it’s time to start pouring. Cheers!

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