Bringing Innovation Back to Sudan

Bringing Innovation Back to Sudan

Sudan, a country battered by war and instability, has been struggling to find stability. However, despite the chaos, there are pockets of safety where startups are still thriving. Savannah Innovation Labs, a startup incubator, has recently reopened in the relatively safer provinces of Port Sudan and Kassala.

The founder, Yousif Yahya, had to flee to Egypt due to the war, but he didn’t let it stop him. He started the incubator from scratch, helping entrepreneurs build and grow their businesses. The program, “We-Rise,” has already seen success, with over 300 businesses participating and 100 finalists set to receive grant funding.

Savannah’s goal is to empower young people in Sudan to build businesses and create jobs. Yahya believes that talent is the key to national transformation, and the incubator is focused on developing a strong talent pool.

Despite the challenges, Yahya remains optimistic about the future of Sudan’s startup ecosystem. He believes that once the war subsides, the country will become a ripe market for venture capital, with a new generation of entrepreneurs ready to take over.

Savannah has expanded its reach, establishing networks in neighboring countries and aiming to bring together the dispersed Sudanese startup community. The goal is to create a strong foundation for the country’s tech transformation.

Yahya’s words of wisdom: “The war is chaotic, but at the same time, we now have a clean slate… We need to start having the conversation of what that next day is going to look like. What values do we want? What kind of society do we need to lead?”

Despite the challenges, Savannah Innovation Labs is pushing forward, determined to build a brighter future for Sudan’s startup ecosystem.

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