Japan’s supercomputer suggested ways to reduce COVID infection spread

Japan’s supercomputer suggested ways to reduce COVID infection spread

Monday : Along with 239 scientists in 32 countries,in an open letter published stating the outlined evidence that they say shows floating virus particles can infect people who breathe them in.

As scientists warn of airborne spread of the virus,Supercomputer-driven models simulated in Japan suggested that operating commuter trains with windows open and limiting the number of passengers may help reduce the risk of coronavirus infections.

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The World Health Organization (WHO) acknowledged ‘evidence emerging’ of airborne transmission, but said it was not definitive.

Kyoto University professor Yuki Furuse said and with a valid questioning that Even if the coronavirus is airborne, questions remain about how many infections occur through that route. How concentrated the virus is in the air may also decide contagion risks.

In the open letter, scientists urged improvements to ventilation and the avoidance of crowded, enclosed environments, recommendations that Shin-ichi Tanabe, one of the co-authors of the letter, says Japan broadly adopted months ago.

Tanabe, a professor at Waseda University in Tokyo, referring to Japan’s public campaign to avoid ‘Closed spaces, Crowded places and Close-contact settings.’ “This is ahead of the world.”In Japan, the committee for COVID-19 countermeasures insisted on the 3Cs at an early stage.

The recent study by Japanese research giant Riken using the world’s fastest supercomputer, the Fugaku, to simulate and reduce how the virus travels in the air in various environments advised several and valid ways to lower infection risks in public settings.

Opening windows on commuter trains can increase the ventilation by two to three times, lowering the concentration of ambient microbes said by its lead researcher, Makoto Tsubokura.

But to achieve adequate ventilation, there needs to be spaces between passengers, the simulations showed, representing a drastic change from Japan’s notoriously packed commuter trains.

But to achieve adequate ventilation, there needs to be spaces between passengers, the simulations showed, representing a drastic change from Japan’s notoriously packed commuter trains.

Other findings advised and ways the installation of partitions in offices and classrooms, while in hospitals, beds should be surrounded by curtains that touch the ceiling.

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